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My story

It's been 6 months ago that I have been diagnosed with cystic acne. This news came after almost 3 years of tests, visits to many doctors, don't let me even get started on all the treatments that I had to take which mostly didn't do anything good for me, in fact, most of them gave me more issues than I already had.

I've had to take all kinds of antibiotics (they even doubled the dose of the one that is used for treating malaria, how is that for a death scare), harsh face washes and creams that made my skin really unhappy (like red blotches, some serious skin peeling, even more breakouts, really dry skin that felt it will crack every time I tried to talk).

And after all of this the 3 doctors, that were involved in my treatment, came to conclusion "It's your DNA."

So yeah, I have cystic acne because of the hormonal imbalance that is caused, as I like to say, by my hell of the genes.

O what a happy day it was to hear that you finally got the diagnose but you'll have to take pills every day for the rest of your life and live on a strict healthy diet.

That last thing isn't that bad, I have a cheat day once a week. When I just started with the diet thing, the cheat day looked like this:

BREAKFAST : Chocolate cake

LUNCH : Chocolate cake

DINNER: Chocolate cake

While now I just eat what I normally eat, all the healthy goodies, and just add a pastry with a little bit of chocolate.

Yep, a person can get use to that.

I mean, once you get all that junk out of your system you can actually add small things one by one and if it doesn't make you breakout - congratulations, you found your happy card!

So for example, I didn't eat bread or any diary products, but now I found out that I can actually eat 50 grams of ice cream a day without having any skin problems afterwards. Also, few times a month I can eat pasta as long as the portion is camouflaged with double portion of vegetables and fruit.

It works something like you neutralize the bad things with good things - a redemption of some sort.

So, yes I started taking pills every day and using some pharmacy goodies such as foam cleanser, but even with these things my skin didn't appear to improve that much that's why I started to be more aware of the natural remedies, since I was already in this scene treating my hair with home made masks and serums it wasn't that hard to expand my research to skin problems and skin remedies.

So right now, I am still using the pills and the foam cleanser but I am also using some home made face masks (which I will write about very soon), lotions (such as my pink lotion and green lotion), toners and many other things. Obviously I don't use everything every single day, but all of these things helped me to get my skin under control. And I am really happy with results.

Sure, there are still scars that need to be taken care of but with time they will go away too. The most important thing is that I don't feel uncomfortable to go out without make up.

The point is: I don't plan on telling you that using strictly home remedies will be enough, I do cherish the science growth and do not dismiss the health benefits it brought us, but that doesn't mean that using home remedies would not help whatsoever. In fact, I think that using both, pharmacy goodies and the DIYs can give you more benefits than using just one option.

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