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Hair care routine

This hair care routine started when I was around 17 years old. I didn't use the exact same things but I did have one whole day that I used for a "hair spa" - as silly as that sounds.

On that one day, I would make sure to do an oil treatment overnight, hair mask in the morning, and a deep condition treatment to make my hair relax and enjoy while it can.

I merely think that this regime helped me to still have any hair left with all the things I did to it.

So if you are one of those who overprocesses your hair either with color, bleach or heating tools, feel free to try few of these things.


1. Massage aloe vera gel on your scalp This one is in case you are using any styling products that might irritate your scalp, or if you have dandruff problems. It will help with calming your skin and nourishing it. When buying aloe vera gel find the organic one, you don't want anything to be mixed with it as those "extra" things could make the problem worse.


2. Massage castor oil on your scalp This step is optional, I would recommend it to people who want to boost hair growth or strengthen their hair. Try not to use too much of this oil as it is really thick and it may clog the pores, and we don't want that.


3. Massage hair oil of your choice I wrote few posts back about best hair oils for each hair type, and this is when you use them. Massage the oil into your hair, coat it well but also do not use too much as it can actually be a drawback instead. The oils that I use in this step are coconut oil and olive oil.

These first 3 steps is a complete "oil treatment". Once you get everything in your hair, leave at least 30 minutes before you hit the bed as it can stain your pillowcase.

To make sure everything stays on your head you can use a silk scarf to wrap your hair in, and if you are not really a type of a person who acts as a statue while you sleep (aka you move a lot) - which is also my problem - you can use a satin pillowcase or wrap your pillow with silk scarf or silk fabric and you just wash it when you wash your hair.

*** I actually do not use pillows, I find them uncomfortable, so what I do is I just tuck a satin fabric on the upper part of my mattress (aka the part your head rests on when you sleep) this way it is convenient for me to sleep without worrying I might stain bedsheets with all kinds of oils. ***** Also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I suggest using satin fabric as a pillowcase (scarf, pillowcase, part of the old dress.... whatever really) on your daily basis as it will decrease friction which is the number one enemy when we talk about split ends.

Back to the hair routine!


4. In the morning you can put any home made mask - if you need it. There are all kinds of homemade hair masks, for dry brittle hair, for oily hair, for dull hair, etc. If you don't have any kind of big problem with your hair you can just skip this step as the oils already nourished your hair.


5. Shampoo Ok, so people think that if you shampoo your hair from scalp to your ends only then your hair can be truly clean and beautiful. . . . . . . . If you are one of these people you and I need to talk. Like, seriously talk.

First thing is shampoos have all kind of chemical combination inside of them which make those fun bubbles and leave that amaaaaaaaaaazing smell behind, o and yeah they strip your hair from all of the oils. When I say all I mean ALL (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

I am also using the normal commercial brands of shampoo (right now I'm using Headn'Shoulders - not that anyone cares, but o well) and these types of shampoos are really strong so you don't really need to shampoo your whole hair. What I mean is you only are supposed to shampoo your scalp, massage your scalp as that is where most of the oil is, your ends are actually the driest part of your hair and if you are to put directly shampoo on them they will leave you begging and cursing. So what I do, and I find it more healthy for my hair type (which is normal) is that I shampoo only my scalp.

You probably must be like: "Won't that leave my hair greasy?" and my answer is "I'm 90% sure it will take off everything it needs to." (Notice that those 10% are cases of people with extremely oily hair) How is this? Well actually, when you rinse out your shampoo those fun bubbles that I've mentioned earlier are strong enough to take a lot of oil from your hair as they slide down your hair.

******* I tried this with organic shampoos but I failed miserably and ended up re-washing my hair. Especially if you are using additional oils on your hair (as oil treatment that I wrote about) you should consider using commercial shampoo rather than the organic one, they are just not strong enough to get all of that oil out.


6. Deep condition - MUST! Right after the shampoo I use old plain T-shirt to dry my hair and then hit the hair treatment shelf. The first thing I do is I put a hair mask all over my hair. The hair mask I use is the Garnier Fructis - goodbye damage one. I know it's been ages since this one has been out but it helped my hair a LOT!

The smell of this mask is pure divi~~~~ne!

After I get the mask into my hair, I put the conditioner from the middle length of my hair down to the ends. To be honest I use Aussies 3 minute miracle deep treatment as a conditioner and it works well.

Aussie that lasts for ages. But no, I am serious here.

I leave this in my hair for at least 15-20 minutes (in winter time) and about an hour (in summer time).

I've been leaving in conditioner and masks in my hair excessively for about 3 years now, and I just love the after effect. It leaves your hair smooth, super soft and nourished. This is definitely my favorite step of the hair regime so far.

After all of this I leave my hair to air dry and that's that.

If you follow these steps for few months you will definitely see how much healthier your hair is so give it a try^^

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