Hair care and hair bleaching (healthy way)
There is no healthy way to lift color of your hair. No matter how hard you try, your hair will suffer some demage. But there is something...

Apple muffins
I always loved apple muffins, but today I decided to change the recipe a little bit and it was a delight. What I changed? I actually made...
My story
It's been 6 months ago that I have been diagnosed with cystic acne. This news came after almost 3 years of tests, visits to many doctors,...
Pink salty water
This post will be specially for people who are suffering from cystic acne, or people who have normal acne problem and very sensitive skin...

Cystic acne natural remedy (Pink salty water recipe)
The salty water recipe is really easy. What you will be needing is: - Himalayan pink salt - water - container (plastic or glass, with the...